An ‘allegory or dreame’ performed before members of the Mercers’ company of London by pupils at St Paul’s School on 11 February 1584. It was written by John Harrison, the school’s High Master, and offended both the members of the Mercers’ company (who thought that they were being attacked for failing to repair the school vestibule) and the surmaster, Master Levesey (who thought his competence as a teacher was being insulted). Levesey was rude to members of the company after the performance; he was sacked and Harrison received a formal warning. Harrison promised that he would ‘deale no more with such dialogues’. The text of the entertainment and records of the dispute are printed here.
Printed in J. Robertson and D.J. Gordon, eds., ‘A Calendar of Dramatic Records in the Books of the Livery Companies of London’, Collections Volume 3 (1954). This volume is available to buy in our online shop.
Collections III The Story of St Paul's School pp 142-165 2-rotated