‘The Society’s administration is handled by Redit Publishing. If you have questions about membership, or would like to notify us about a change of address, please contact them at: malone@reditpublishing.com. If you have questions about becoming a member, or, if you are already a member, any queries relating to your membership benefits, please contact the relevant officer for your catchment area:
For UK and Ireland and the Rest of the World, please contact our Membership Secretary, Dr. Harry R. McCarthy, University of Exeter, at H.R.McCarthy@exeter.ac.uk.
For Canada, please contact our Overseas Officers for Canada, Prof. Roberta Barker and Prof. David Nicol, Dalhousie University, at david.nicol@dal.ca.
For Australia and New Zealand, please contact our Overseas Officer for Australia and New Zealand, Dr David McInnis, University of Melbourne, at mcinnisd@unimelb.edu.au.
For Continental Europe, please contact our Overseas Officer for Continental Europe, Prof. Jesús Tronch Pérez, University of Valencia, at jesus.tronch@uv.es.
For Japan, please contact our Overseas Officer for Japan, Prof. Yukiko Mori, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, at argo@cc.tuat.ac.jp.
For the United States, please contact our Overseas Officer for the USA, Dr Molly Yarn, at molly.yarn@gmail.com.