Does your library have a complete set of Malone volumes? Any library that’s serious about encouraging the study of the drama of this period needs these volumes, which are essential for advanced undergraduate and MA work, as well as staff research. We are finding that an increasing number of university libraries are now bringing their collections up to date by supplementing their annual subscription with the purchase of all remaining imprints from the back catalogue, especially when they see the discounts available on a bulk purchase!
Dr Keenan has recently purchased the run of titles for De Montfort University. She says, ‘We saw the offer to purchase a set of Malone Society volumes as a fantastic opportunity to increase our stock of Renaissance plays and as an investment that promises to benefit our undergraduates, postgraduates and staff working on Renaissance drama and theatrical culture now and in the future.’
If you would be interested in finding out more about ordering this wonderful resource we would be delighted to talk through titles and costs: you can contact our Orders Secretary, Catherine Richardson (, or ask your subject librarian to do so.