Book of the Month: Collections XV

Malone Society Book Of The Month

Regular price reduced from £15.00 to only £5.00 plus postage. Available to Society members only. Orders may be placed throughout the entire calendar month

FEBRUARY:  Collections XV

Have you been wondering how you’re going to celebrate the 400th anniversary of George Chapman’s The Memorable Masque? Well, if you weren’t able to attend the Renaissance Men of the Middle Temple Conference this past weekend, why not treat yourself to a copy of Collections XV? The volume features transcripts of musical and dramatic documents from the Middle Temple, and illuminates the masque’s financing and production. It was performed on 15 February 1613, by gentlemen of the Middle Temple and Lincoln’s Inn, as part of the celebrations of the royal wedding of Lady Elizabeth and the Elector Palatine.


The volume also includes transcripts of papers related to James Shirley’s The Triumph of Peace, Ralph Crane’s transcript of the abridged version of Middleton’s A Game at Chess, the part of ‘Poore’ from the anonymous and otherwise lost Play of Poore, stagedat Christ Church, Oxford, in the late 1610s, and Sir Henry Killigrew’s proposal, which probably dates from the 1560s, for a fireworks display for Queen Elizabeth.


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