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SEPTEMBER: Elizabeth Cary
The Tragedy of Mariam
Mariam thinks that her husband Herod is dead. But she’s not too upset as he murdered her grandfather and brother. When Herod actually turns up alive, Salome, Mariam’s sister-in-law from hell, accuses her of infidelity. Will Herod believe his sister and will he be a just ruler upon his return? Find out in this month’s featured volume!
The Society’s edition, first issued in 1914, is a type-facsimile of the Quarto of 1613, the only early edition. As currently in print, the book incorporates a 1992 supplement updating the original introduction.
For more on The Tragedy of Mariam, click here to read Elizabeth Schafer’s defence of the too-often-marginalized play, published June 2013 in Times Higher Education.
The Society’s edition reproduces the unique Folger copy of the play’s first quarto.